Using Marks And Measures

Moving blocking JS calls from the top of your page to the bottom is a very well-established performance recommendation – you shouldn’t block your visitors from seeing your content before it becomes interactive. I followed this advice to update my company’s website’s behavior, even on pages that used Handlebars to render big important parts of the page. On those pages, I used to put a <script> tag right in the middle of the page to render the form then and there. But now that the dependencies weren’t available half-way through pageload, I had to make that script call at the bottom of the page.

This meant those pages appeared to load slower with this performance technique. But I imagined it would speed up the visual load time for all the others.

So the question I needed to answer was: if this performance recommendation is going to be mostly good for our site, how bad is it for those pages? And a sharp follow-up question (which I’m not sure how to answer yet) would be how good is it for the rest of the site?

My solution was to use the User Timing API to record a mark at the top of the <head> tag, another mark after the call to render the form on each version of the page, and measure the difference. I determined the difference varied depending on network conditions, but was fairly consistently 300-400ms slower. I still need to figure out how to measure the performance gain on pages that don’t rely so heavily on Handlebars.

Measurement 1: Old Approach to Loading Handlebars Content

  <script src="Handlebars.min.js"></script>
  <script src="templates.js"></script>
  <div class="handlebars-content"></div>
    // Do Handlebars stuff here
    // Make a mark

Measurement 2: New Approach to Loading Handlebars Content

  <script src="Handlebars.min.js"></script>
  <script src="templates.js"></script>
  <script src="do-handlebars-things.js"></script>
(function doHandlebarsThings() {
  // Do a bunch of stuff

  // Then mark this point in time
  // And assuming you've got your first mark around, you can complete
  performance.measure("measure_time_from_head_until_form_render", // Name your measure
    "mark_start_loading_head",  // Start mark
    "mark_render_form");        // Finish mark
  console.log(performance.getEntriesByName("measure_time_from_head_until_form_render")[0].duration + "ms until loaded form");
Written on August 17, 2017